- 2024-4-21
- 旅行 プレスニュース
2024年4月26日(金)6月23日(日) from 26 Apr to 23 Jun
For the English version, see after the Japanese version.
Kamoso Kachoen (Kamo Garden) will open its “Original Japanese Iris and Hydrangea Exhibition” on April 26 (Fri.) this year again. Located in Harasato, Kakegawa City, Shizuoka Prefecture, near Harada Station on the Tenryu Hamanako Line, the old villa built in the mid-Edo period has been transformed into an amusement park where visitors can enjoy seasonal flowers in the vast 1-hectare garden, flocks of small ducks “call ducks”, flying wild birds, and local cuisine in a single day. Please take your time and enjoy this nostalgic Japanese old village that has been preserved by the Kamo family, a village headman since the Momoyama period (1573-1600).
The Japanese irises at Kamoso Kachoen are in full bloom at two different times of the year. The irises in full bloom during the Golden Week holidays from end of April to bigininng of May are Kamoso’s original early-blooming irises, which bloom a month earlier than older varieties. On the other hand, the old, locally planted Japanese irises have a graceful appearance are in full bloom from the end of May to the middle of June.
Our original hydrangeas are widely known both in Japan and abroad as the Kamo Selection, bred by Toyokazu Ichie. This year, with the help of crowdfunding, the garden has created a logging garden and a 50-meter long hydrangea road and a garden in front of an old temple in the garden. Visitors can also enjoy the annual display of hydrangea pots (Hydrangea Hills) in the greenhouse from the end of April. Visitors can purchase their favorite exhibits directly from Hydrangea Hills.
Here is also a space in the garden where visitors can enjoy a coffee or meal while admiring the plants. At Sogentei, located in the former miso cellar of the old house, visitors can enjoy a “shoya bento” (lunch box) dyed bright yellow by gardenia seeds, “hyoka onigiri bento” (rice ball lunch box) and fresh tea from the Harada area, and at Hanatori Cafe in the greenhouse, visitors can enjoy chimaki and other sweet treats. In the spacious exhibition greenhouse of approximately 1,000 m2, visitors can enjoy the flowers and birds even in the rain. Visitors can also interact with the birds by feeding them, which can be enjoyed by adults and children alike.
Kamo Garden is registered as one of the Amazing Garden Hamanako, which consists of seven flower parks and gardens in western Shizuoka Prefecture, including “Hamamatsu Flower Park” and “Hamanako Garden Park”. Visitors can also collect cute stamps in the Hamanako Hanameguri Shuinsho, which makes flower touring fun.
天竜浜名湖線 「原田駅」より 徒歩 約15分~20分
(JR掛川駅より天竜浜名湖線に乗換えができます) >>天竜浜名湖鉄道ホームページ
JR「掛川駅」より タクシー 約20分 掛川タクシーTEL:0537-22-3231
袋井方面よりお越しのお客様 袋井タクシーTEL:0538-42-2131 袋井交通タクシーTEL:0538-42-2251
From “Harada Station” of Tenryu Hamanako Line, about 15-20 min. on foot.
(You can transfer to the Tenryu Hamanako Line from JR Kakegawa Station)
About 20 minutes by cab from JR “Kakegawa Station” Kakegawa cab TEL: 0537-22-3231
Passengers coming from Fukuroi area Fukuroi cab TEL: 0538-42-2131 Fukuroi traffic cab TEL: 0538- 42-2251
2024年4月26日(金)~6月23日(日) ※花菖蒲・アジサイ展開催期間
開園時間 8:00-17:00(受付16:30迄) / 期間中無休
入場料2022年4月23日(土)~6月26日(日) ※花菖蒲・アジサイ展開催期間大人(中学生以上) 1,500円
小学生以下 無料
シルバー(65歳以上) 1,200円 年齢が分かる証明をご提示ください
障がい者 1,200円 障がい者手帳をご提示ください
料金…無料 ※駐車場は全て屋外となります。
普通車200台 バス6台
所在地 〒436-0105 静岡県掛川市原里110
電話番号 0537-26-1211
グーグルマップ https://goo.gl/maps/mRTDuocwpdmx8zqp7
名称 | ヒルトンアメックス | ヒルトンアメックスプレミアム |
デザイン | ||
年会費 | 16,500円 |
66,000円 |
新規入会特典 |
最大60,000ポイント |
最大140,000ポイント 年会費2年分以上 |
ウィークエンド 無料宿泊特典 |
1泊無料宿泊 | 最大2泊無料宿泊 |
ヒルトンオナーズ 会員資格 |
ゴールドステータス | ゴールドステータス ダイヤモンドステータス※ ※1月から12月の1年間で合計200万円以上利用が条件です |
おすすめ! キャンペーンページ |
キャンペーン 応募はこちらから |