- 2024-12-13
- ホテル プレスニュース
青森駅直結の「ReLabo Medical Spa&Stay」がWELL認証V2プラチナ取得
- 1 青森駅直結の「ReLabo Medical Spa&Stay」がWELL認証V2プラチナ取得
- 2 What is WELL Building Standard ?
- 3 WELL 認証とは?
- 4 Why is WELL Building Standard important?
- 5 なぜ WELL 認証が大切なのか?
- 6 Our project partner for WELL Building Standard
- 7 MACNICA Inc.’s Initiatives
- 8 SHIMIZU CORPORATION’s Initiatives 清水建設株式会社の取り組み
- 9 “ReLabo” receives WELL Building StandardPlatinum
- 10 「ReLabo」の WELL 認証プラチナ取得
- 11 Features of “ReLabo”
- 12 「ReLabo」の特徴
- 13 Special accommodation plan to celebrate WELL Platinum certification
- 14 WELL 認証プラチナ取得を記念した特別宿泊プラン
- 15 ReLabo Medical Spa & Stay
青森駅に直結する「ReLabo Medical Spa&Stay」は、健康を重視した施設としてWELL認証V2プラチナを受賞しました。この認証は、建物が人々の健康に与える影響を評価するもので、優れた環境改善や wellness に配慮した設計が求められます。最先端の医療とリラクゼーションを兼ね備えたこの施設は、旅行者や地元の人々にとって新たな癒しの場として注目されています。
- 「ReLabo Medical Spa&Stay」がWELL認証V2プラチナ取得。
- 青森駅直結、健康を意識した快適な空間を提供。
- 最新医療とリラクゼーションを融合した施設。
What is WELL Building Standard ?
WELL 認証とは?
WELL Building Standard is a certification system that establishes global WELL standards to evaluate how well buildings and spaces support “people’s health and well-being.” It is run by the International WELL Building Institute (IWBI), which specializes in building construction for health, and closely evaluates the impact that a building’s design, facilities, and operating methods have on people’s health.
WELL 認証は、建物や空間が「人々の健康と福祉」をどれだけ支えられるかを評価する世界的なWELL基準を制定した認証制度です。健康のための建物づくりを専門とする「International WELL Building Institute(IWBI)」によって運営され、建物のデザインや設備、運営方法が人々の健康にどんな影響を与えるかが細かく評価されます。
Why is WELL Building Standard important?
なぜ WELL 認証が大切なのか?
WELL Building Standard aims to create spaces where travelers and workers who use the building can spend their time in health and comfort, both physically and mentally. It considers how buildings can contribute to our health, including aspects that we don’t usually pay much attention to when traveling, such as air quality, natural light, and sound environment. Having a space that promotes health in which to work, travel, or spend a long time contributes greatly to concentration, relaxation, and quality of life.
WELL Building Standard has 10 assessment criteria:
WELL 認証では建物利用者である旅人や働く人が心身ともに健康で快適に過ごせる空間作りを目指しています。空気の質や自然光、音環境など、普段私たちがあまり旅先などで気にしないような部分も含めて、建物が私たちの健康にどう役立てるかを考えるものです。仕事や旅行、長時間過ごす場所が健康を促進する空間であることは、集中力、リラックス、生活の質に大きく貢献します。
WELL 認証には、次の 10 分野が評価基準として設定されています。
1. Air: Maintaining a fresh and clean air environment
2. Water: Ensuring a healthy and safe water supply
3. Nutrition: Providing meals and designing menus to support healthy eating habits
4. Light: Ensuring visual comfort through natural light and appropriate lighting
5. Exercise: Providing an appropriate exercise environment
6. Thermal environment: Maintaining a comfortable temperature and humidity
7. Sound environment: Ensuring a quiet environment to support user concentration and relaxation
8. Materials: Using building materials that consider health
9. Mental health: Creating designs and spaces that promote relaxation and stress relief
10. Community: Creating spaces and support systems that promote connections between people
Our project partner for WELL Building Standard
The collaboration between MACNICA Inc. and SHIMIZU CORPORATION contributed greatly to the acquisition of the Platinum rank in the WELL Building Standard. Below, we introduce the specific efforts of each company.
株式会社マクニカと清水建設株式会社の連携が WELL 認証プラチナランクの取得に大きく寄与しました。以下に、それぞれの具体的な取り組みを紹介します。
MACNICA Inc.’s Initiatives
MACNICA Inc. has introduced “AiryQonnect,” the latest technology for managing air environments in hotels. This system achieves the following:
• Visualization of air environment: Real-time monitoring of temperature, humidity, carbon dioxide (CO₂), fine particles (PM2.5), etc.
• Efficient management: Centralized management of data on the dashboard improves operational efficiency.
In addition to improving the air environment, it also contributes to maintaining comfortable temperatures and humidity levels.
SHIMIZU CORPORATION’s Initiatives 清水建設株式会社の取り組み
SHIMIZU CORPORATION led the overall planning for WELL Building Standard and contributed in the following ways:
清水建設株式会社は、WELL 認証取得の全体計画を指揮し、次のポイントで貢献しました。
• Healthy spatial design: The entire building is designed to promote the health of its users.
• Strategy for obtaining certification: In addition to meeting the WELL Building Standard, the company identified points to improve its rating and effectively advanced the plan. Modern safety measures: In response to the pandemic, measures to minimize contact and ventilation were introduced.
認証取得に向けた戦略:WELL 基準のクリアに加え、評価を高めるポイントを見極め、効果的に計画 を進行。
By collaborating with external partners, “ReLabo” achieved high evaluation points such as improved air quality and thermal environment, creating a comfortable and healthy space to stay.
“ReLabo” receives WELL Building StandardPlatinum
「ReLabo」の WELL 認証プラチナ取得
“ReLabo” meets all standards at a high level, and was especially recognized for its consideration of wellness, becoming the first hotel in the world to receive the highest “Platinum” certification. In addition to the safety of its air and water and comfortable lighting, the facility was recognized for creating a space where guests can exercise and relax, providing a next-generation accommodation experience where guests can experience health and healing.
Features of “ReLabo”
ReLabo is a portmanteau of “Re” (to return to the original state) and “Labo” (laboratory), and is a fully-fledged wellness hotel with the concept of “supporting the wellness lifestyles of travelers from all over the world.” It is jointly operated by Jikeikai, that has provided community-based medical care, and Jogakura Kanko, which operates inns, hotels, restaurants, and more. It offers a wide variety of programs, including yoga, Ayurveda, hot springs, and counseling. It also has a fully-equipped restaurant that uses local ingredients and takes into consideration the nutritional balance of the food, and supports a healing and healthy stay for the mind and body.
ReLabo は、「元に戻す」の「Re」と「研究所」の「Labo」を組み合わせた造語で、「世界中の旅人のウエルネスライフを支援する」をコンセプトにした本格的ウエルネスホテルです。地域密着型医療を提供してきた一般社団法人慈恵会と、旅館やホテル、レストランなどを運営する株式会社城ヶ倉観光が共同運営。ヨガ、アーユルヴェーダ、温泉、カウンセリングなど多彩なプログラムを提供。地元食材を使用した栄養バランスに配慮したレストランも完備し、心身の癒しと健康的な滞在をサポートします。
Special accommodation plan to celebrate WELL Platinum certification
WELL 認証プラチナ取得を記念した特別宿泊プラン
To celebrate the achievement of the WELL Platinum certification, we have prepared a special discounted accommodation plan. This plan includes a breakfast using local specialties and use of the wellness center (Japanese hot spring bath and wellness lounge). For more information, please visit the official website.
「ReLabo」では、WELL 認証プラチナ取得を記念し、特別割引宿泊プランをご用意致します。本プランには、地元の名産を使用した朝食や、ウエルネスセンターのご利用(和温泉大浴場・ウエルネスラウンジ)が含まれております。詳細については、公式ウェブサイトをご覧ください。
2024年12月12日(木)一般社団法人 慈恵会、株式会社 城ヶ倉観光、関連職員607名の前で受賞報告
ReLabo Medical Spa & Stay
【Facility Overview 施設概要】
• Facility name: ReLabo Medical Spa&Stay
• Address: 1-1-5 Yanagawa, Aomori City, Aomori Prefecture
• Opening date: July 11, 2024
• Facilities: Accommodation, wellness center (yoga studio, clinic, gym, spa, Japanese hot spring), restaurant
• WELL Building Standard: V2 Platinum (World’s first as a hotel)
【Contact Information お問い合わせ先】
• Koudai Narita, General Manager, ReLabo Medical Spa&Stay
• Minami Sasaki, Wellness Center Manager
• Tel.: 017-762-0151 • E mail: info@relabo.com
• Official Website: https://relabo.com/
\期間限定 特典 大増量中/